Monday, 27 February 2017

Senior book club

A book club is being run on Thursdays at B1 for students in years 3-6. This is held in the Inspire@Amaroo reading room. Some senior students have expressed an interest in attending a book club to be held at B2 in Unakite.
If you would be interested in attending a book club, please complete the form using the link below so we can see how many students may be interested.
Image result for book club images

Senior book club survey

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Chief Minister's Reading Challenge 2017

Amaroo school students in years P-8 have been registered to take part in the
2017 Chief Minister's Reading Challenge.
Students in years P-2 will complete the challenge as a whole class.
Students in years 3-8 will complete the challenge individually.

How many books do I need to read? You need to read 15 books before 8 September 2017.
What type of books can I read? You can read any type of book you like....even electronic books
What do I do when I finish reading? Each time you read a book, enter it on the reading list your teacher will give you
Ask your teacher how you could win a prize.

Sunday, 19 February 2017

Welcome to the Inspire@Amaroo blog site

The purpose of this blog is to keep you informed of what is happening in the Inspire@Amaroo centre. Keep checking here for book reviews, study tips and news about exciting things happening in the centre.