Wednesday, 29 March 2017

War at Sea: The Navy in WW1

The Maritime Museum travelling display was launched on Tuesday 28 March. We were priveleged to have visitors from the RSL, Education Directorate and Defence. The display will be open until the end of week 2 Term 2 so that all students at Amaroo school have the opportunity to visit. Next week students in years K-6 will visit during their Library time and complete a passport activity as they engage with the display.

Sunday, 19 March 2017

This week in the Makerspace!

In the Makerspace this week there is some lego and a brand new book. The book is called 365 things to do with Lego bricks. Students were busy during B1 today making some interesting creations.
Image result for 365 things to do with lego bricks

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Years 3-6 Book Club

Each Thursday during B1 20-30 students in years 3-6 attend a book club in the Inspire centre.
Some of the activities we have engaged in are;
* creating membership cards
* sharing our favourite books and authors
* viewing brand new books
* creating book review posters to inform other students of great books they can read

Here is a picture of our book reviews on display in the Inspire centre.


Thursday, 9 March 2017

Friday 17 March is National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. Classes across the school will be discussing these issues during week 7. There are 2 displays in the Inspire centre of books related to this topic. Come and browse or borrow one of the Fiction or Non-Fiction books and take a stand against bullying and violence. 


Sunday, 5 March 2017

Ollie is back and is now called Orbit!
The search computer was broken over the Christmas break but is now fixed.
This is the computer you use to search for resources in the library. You can search by subject, author, title. Ask Mrs Otten for help if you want to know how to use it.