Wednesday, 5 April 2017

New books

We have some new books in the Inspire centre ready for borrowing at the beginning of term 2. These are pictured below. We also have a newspaper created by one of the classes.

In term 2 we will be hosting our Book fair. The theme is: Bookaneer - where books are the treasure!
We will have one week for students to preview the books and write a wish list. The second week will be for purchasing items from the book fair. The dates of the fair will be advertised early in term 2.

In the first week back at school for term 2 we will be commemorating ANZAC day. The Maritime museum display will remain in the community room until the end of week 2 so there will be more opportunities for you to visit.
Enjoy the Easter break and we will see you in term 2.
Mrs Otten
Teacher Librarian


  1. so we can only purcuse in thee secound week

  2. Thanks for your comment Isabel. There will be more information soon but yes - The first week of the book fair will be for you to look at what is available and write a wish list. All sales will happen in the second week of the book fair.
