Thursday, 10 August 2017

Congratulations to our New Library Monitors

Last weekend I read applications from students who were interested in becoming library monitors. 
I am happy to announce that the following students have been selected. 
Image result for Library monitors Image result for Library monitors
Year 4 monitors - Eadie, Alison, Muthu, Dathan, Alicia, Israt, Lachlan, Suranya, Anthony, Patryk, Hayley, Chloe, Jamie, Iman, Trevin, Tara, Sabina Emma, Lucy, Zoe, Christian, Naina, Adison, Anishka, Zach. 
Year 5 monitors - Methushan, Mirabel, and Bea
Year 6 monitors - Amy P.
Year 9  monitors - Laura O and Alisha C.

Each of these monitors will be rostered for 1 duty per week to help in the library. They had some amazingly creative ideas for how to make the Inspire@Amaroo centre even better. I look forward to working with them for the rest of the year. 

We will be holding our first Library monitors meeting at B1 on Tuesday week 5.